A piping hot waterfall sending steam through the jungle.

The end of our trip and the end of my boots! It was a bitter-sweet good-bye to my sad-looking boots. About 4 weeks ago I ripped them on the pinnacles trek, then I got stuck in the mud and the bottom sole of my right boot came off (not entirely, but most of the way).  I have been able to hike through muddy jungles and up steep volcanoes all thanks to this trusty blue ribbon simply tied around my boot =)

We are currently in South Korea awaiting our flight to Chicago. We will be in Chicago at 9:40 AM. However, our biological clock will think its bed time. Hopefully, we will get a nice sleep on the plane!

Our last full day was spent climbing up Gunung Gede, an active volcano 3 hours south of Jakarta, Java. It was a knackering 10 hour, 20 km hike, but well worth it! An hour before the summit, sulferous fumes assailed my nose. Once on the top, we were looking down at a huge crater with an aquamarine lake in the center! Simply breathe-taking. Day seized!!